Kids' Sunday Summary


This school year children (4 years to Grade 2) are learning about how we worship God on Sundays and every day with a three-week lesson unit on each part of our worship service. On the last Sunday of the unit, students will complete an art project expressing that element of worship.

Confession Unit (on Nov. 26, Dec 3 & 10)

We say to God: “I am sorry” (part of the Story of Worship)
Hand motion: move fist in small circles on chest
Theme Verse: Psalm 32:5
I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Bible Story: based on Luke 18:9-17
Song: God, Be Merciful to Me

Teaching points:

  • God sees our heart. We are to trust God for our righteousness, not ourselves.

  • We see our sin and are truly sorry for it—we confess with our mouths and show with our actions that we are sorry.

At Home Discussion Starters:

  1. What does it mean that God is holy?

  2. How do you think God feels when we sin?  Why?

  3. What makes it hard for you to confess your sins to God?


Grades K & 1

Lesson: Jesus Keeps Paul Safe

Bible Passage: Acts 9:20-31

Lesson Focus: Jesus kept Paul safe so he could tell others about Jesus.

Memory Verse: Acts 16:31

Discussion Starters:

  1. How did Jesus keep Paul safe in the Bible story?

  2. Why is it important we tell others about Jesus?

  3. How can we share Jesus’ love with others?

Grades 2-5

Lesson: Being Faithful in Marriage

Bible Truth: God, who ordained marriage, commands purity before marriage and faithfulness in marriage. (Gen. 2; Eph. 4–5; 1 Cor. 6)

Lesson Focus: To understand that God made marriage to be between one man and one woman for all their lives.

Memory Verse: Seventh Commandment: Exodus 20:14

Discussion Starters:

  1. Why is it important for us to spend time with people who love God and trust in Jesus?

  2. What do you think would be hard about being married to someone who does not believe in God?