Cambridge Community Center
Diaper Drive

From the Deacons:

Over the course of this pandemic, the diaconate has had the opportunity to build a relationship with the Cambridge Community Center, which, among other things, provides food, diapers and other resources for families in the Central Square area. We have regularly supplied grocery cards directly to the center to supplement the resources they provide over the past few months. During this season, the CCC has asked if we would help to provide a grocery card for each family that they serve (approx 250) to cover expenses and food, especially for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day when the food pantry is not open. Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the congregation over the past 9 months, we have been able to provide for that need and are excited for this on-going relationship with a local organization.

The CCC also distributes diapers to the families they serve and they have asked for help re-filling their supply of diapers. Many families are struggling right now, as you know, and there has been unprecedented demand for this necessity. We'd like to invite you to partner with us in providing diapers for this organization. If you are willing and able, we will be accepting diapers at the church until Dec. 24th, at which point we will drop off the donations at the CCC. If you would prefer to give monetarily, feel free to give online to the CTK Special Giving fund — all donations to that fund before the 24th will be ear-marked for this CCC drive. For more questions, please contact