English Service

Ministry Safe Q&A

This Sunday, November 3, there will be a Q&A during the Adult Education hour regarding the Ministry Safe training. This will be a time of open conversation to process the training content as a congregation with the leadership. If the Ministry Safe videos have prompted any questions regarding church policies and practices, or more generally how we are to interact with these issues as disciples of Christ, you can send those questions to rickdowns@ctkcambridge.org, drop an anonymous index card in the red church library card box in the Social Hall, or bring the question with you on November 3.

Elders on Duty

Starting this Sunday, elders will be available to pray with anyone who desires it during communion. Whether or not you participate in the sacrament itself, please feel free to ask for prayer or to bring your children forward for prayer. There will be one elder near either of the hallway exits at the front of the sanctuary during the distribution of elements. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact office@ctkcambridge.org.

SS Teacher

Have you ever thought of yourself as a Children’s Sunday school leader? Maybe you’re wondering if you have what it takes. Well, you don’t need to be ordained, be a professional teacher, or know everything there is to know about the Bible to serve in this way. But God might be calling you to this ministry if you have the following qualities:

  • A heart for nurturing kids’ faith, helping them ask questions, wonder about God, and discover something new.

  • A desire to make God’s story personal by helping them relate the Bible to their own lives, and sharing about your own faith along the way.

  • A love of learning — teachers always learn right alongside their students!

We currently have an opening in our Grade 4 & 5 Sunday School teaching team — please contact Dana if you are interested.

SS Teachers

Enjoy building relationships with kids…consider teaching Sunday School during the upcoming school year! Classes meet from 8:45–9:45am and both weekly and half-time (shared) teaching positions are open at different age levels. Curriculum is provided—a willingness to teach is the only prerequisite! Training is available for those with no previous experience. Contact Dana (dana@ctkcambridge.org) for more information.

Songs on Website

Samples of the songs for Sunday’s worship service are posted on the website by the Wednesday before the service, along with the bulletin and the Scripture passage for the week. This is a great way to prepare for the service, especially for children who will be joining us during the service for the summer rather than being dismissed for Children’s Worship. We encourage attenders of all ages to avail themselves of this resource.