Volunteer Appreciation Month

The staff of CTK is so grateful for all the ways that volunteers serve our community, and the month of May marks the time we set apart to express that.  There are a plethora of ways in which people serve the church, and we want to take an opportunity each week to shine a light on and express our gratitude for a different volunteer role.

For this Week: Cambridge is an international city, and CTK is an international church - and so every Monday evening, our ESL Volunteers open the doors of the church to teach English classes to members of the community and the congregations of CTK.  With small class sizes, ESL develops not only language skills, but friendships.  Led by experienced ESL teachers Anna Boardman and Mary Cote, classes are offered at a variety of levels - and they are looking for new volunteers for 2018-19!  Whether you’ve never taught ESL before or have years of experience, you can play a role teaching and loving members of our international community.  Contact Mary for more information.  Thank you, ESL team, for your service to our church and city!