Children’s Worship curriculum teaching through the order of our worship service

What are the elements of worship in our service? What is the Invocation, Confession, Absolution, Thanksgiving, and Passing the Peace to name a few? Our curriculum explores each element to draw children into worship by explaining what we do in the service, what promises we are grabbing hold of and what are we hearing from our God. Learning how songs, prayers, Scripture and preaching fit together on Sundays helps kids grow in their understanding of faith and worship and connects them more deeply with the body of Christ.

  • Lesson units cover each element of our service (e.g. Adoration, Confession, The Lord's Supper). Read the curriculum overview.

  • The Story of Worship expresses worship as our conversation with God and is a teaching model that links the lesson units together. Watch the Story of Worship video with hand motions.

  • Children are grouped into an older and younger class with teaching tailored to each group.  

  • Bible stories and story vignettes help children relate God’s truths to their own lives.

  • Music -- children lift up their voices and become familiar with songs from our service that represent each part of worship. Listen to the songs playlist on Spotify.

  • Art -- children complete collaborative projects for each unit as a creative expression of worship


Our companion Parent Guide supplements our curriculum and allows families to connect at home with what children are learning in class. (When printing choose double-sided, flipped on the short end.)


The two-year rotation of our curriculum allows the children to repeat each theme, covering it in greater depth the second time through. See the alternating year on I Believe: The Apostles' Creed.

View the gallery as a printable a PDF.


This curriculum is based on materials used by permission from Trinity Presbyterian Church (Charlottesville, VA) that were enhanced and substantially expanded at CTK.