Kids' Sunday Summary


This school year children (4 years to Grade 2) are learning about how we worship God on Sundays and every day with a three-week lesson unit on each part of our worship service. On the last Sunday of the unit, students will complete an art project expressing that element of worship.

Peace Unit (on Mar 31, Apr 7 & 14)

We say: “Peace be with you” (part of the Story of Worship)
Hand motion: clasp hands with left palm up and right facing down
Theme Verse: Romans 15:7
Bible Story: based on Acts 18:1-11; 1 Cor. 12
Song: It Is Well With My Soul
Art project: woven yarn designs representing how Christ binds us together as His Church
Teaching points:

  • Jesus died on the cross for our sins and restores peace between us and God.

  • The peace we receive from Jesus helps us have peace with others.

At Home Discussion Starters:

  1. How does Jesus fix our relationship with God?

  2. Think of a time when you were sad, afraid or hurt by someone. How can the peace you have from Jesus help you with that?

  3. How does the peace we have in Jesus help us to love others?



Grades K & 1

Lesson: Jesus Is Alive!
Bible Passage: John 20:1-18; Acts 1:1-9
Lesson Focus: Jesus is alive again and will always be with us.
Memory Verse: Mark 5:36b
Discussion Starters:

  1. How do we know Jesus is alive?

  2. How is Jesus with us and helping us even now?

  3. When Jesus came back to life, what job did He give his friends to do?

image by Freepik

Grades 2-5

Lesson: Offering Sacrifices of Worship
Bible Truth: God called the Israelites to give themselves wholeheartedly to him by bringing consecration and fellowship offerings. (Leviticus 1–3; Romans 12)
Lesson Focus: To thank God for his grace and mercy in providing the means to forgive sinners; to understand that because of God’s great mercy, we are to offer ourselves to Christ in thanksgiving and service; to learn that true worship involves both confessing sin and expressing faith in Christ, the perfect Lamb of God.
Memory Verse: Leviticus 11:44a
Discussion Starters:

  1. What was the purpose of the Israelites’ offerings?

  2. How should we respond to God’s grace and mercyt?

  3. What does it look like to offer ourselves to God in worship?